Mogwai’s Top10
Mogwai has established itself as one of the most important and influential underground bands of the past quarter century. In addition to the critical and commercial success of Mogwai’s many studio albums, the band has not only had its music featured in dozens of iconic films, but has also scored several high-profile productions—including Mark Cousins’s acclaimed documentary Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise, whose music Mogwai reworked for the band’s new album, Atomic. Here are the band members’ picks, in no particular order.
Guillermo del Toro
A classic and unique take on the vampire legend. A beautiful-looking film, as you would expect from Guillermo del Toro, with some great acting performances. A really underrated film. —Martin Bulloch
D. A. Pennebaker
Dont Look Back
I think this Dylan documentary offers an absolutely fascinating insight into a genius at the peak of his powers. The filmmakers are so integrated with the touring party that you become totally immersed in the events. Wonderful. —Stuart Braithwaite
René Laloux
Fantastic Planet
A completely different style of animation than I’d ever seen before. A story about oppression and coexistence but told in an unusual way that really gets the point across. The soundtrack is of its time, but it works well too. —Barry Burns
Steve McQueen
Steve McQueen's disturbing account of man's brutality and purity is, at times, extremely hard to watch. —MB
Robert Aldrich
Kiss Me Deadly
One of many great films noirs in the collection. There are a few things that make this movie unique, including a MacGuffin that introduces an unexpected element of science fiction into a hard-boiled detective story, and Ralph Meeker's great portrayal of private eye Mike Hammer (best name ever). Even by film noir antihero standards, the guy is a monster. —Dominic Aitchison
Charles Laughton
The Night of the Hunter
I absolutely love this film. Robert Mitchum is incredible as a serial killer roving about in the guise of a preacher. It's the only film Charles Laughton directed, which, on the evidence of this film, is a real shame, as he seemed to have a real flair for it. There are a lot of great performances, and you can't help but wonder if Laughton’s vast experience as an actor helped him get the best out of his cast. —DA
Paul Verhoeven
I can only thank the irresponsible video store worker who rented this film out to my little cousin and me when we were about thirteen (it was issued an 18 certificate in the UK). The uncut, brutal attack on Murphy and his unfolding semiconscious robot revenge stick with you for life. The ultraviolence is almost funny in parts, because Verhoeven manages these over-the-top scenes so expertly. And if you haven’t tried to down a whole can of Coke and burp “twenty seconds to comply!” then you haven’t been to my high school, pal. —BB
Roman Polanski
Rosemary’s Baby
One of the greatest horror films ever made. A truly iconic film that works on a lot of different levels. —SB
Akira Kurosawa
Throne of Blood
Deciding which Akira Kurosawa film to choose for this list was extremely difficult, as he made so many tremendous films. Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Yojimbo are all amazing, but I love this version of Macbeth. During the final scene, Kurosawa had trained archers fire real arrows at Toshiro Mifune. Brilliant. —MB
Martin Rosen
Watership Down
The first film I can remember ever seeing. Apparently, my parents took me to the cinema two days in a row because I stood on the chair crying, trying to sing “Bright Eyes”—to their amusement. Aside from that, it’s a great, sad story of progress, destruction, and rebuilding, with some hallucinatory visions and tremendous voice acting. Very affecting and rewatchable. —BB