Author Spotlight

Tullio Kezich

Tullio Kezich wrote the biography Fellini and a diary of the shooting of La dolce vita. He also cowrote the screenplay for The Legend of the Holy Drinker with Ermanno Olmi. This piece previously appeared in the Criterion Collection’s 2001 edition of 8¹?2.

2 Results
8 ½: When “He” Became “I”
Until the time when he was consecrated as a great director, Fellini didn’t have an easy relationship with writers, his contemporaries who used to gather in the evening in Via Veneto’s many cafés. In those circles, the filmmaker was merely tolera…

By Tullio Kezich

: When “He” Became “I”
The typical midlife crisis, to which we all fall victim in some major or minor degree, came to Fellini with a slight delay. On the twentieth of January, 1960, the day of his fortieth birthday, he was, in fact, too deeply engaged in the completion of …

By Tullio Kezich