Michelangelo Antonioni

With his stunning visuals, ambiguous narratives, and still relevant focus on modern alienation, this Italian master ushered in a new European art cinema permeated by a distinctly contemporary ennui.

8 Results
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Spine # Title Director Country Year
865 Blow-Up Blow-Up Michelangelo Antonioni United Kingdom, 1966
98 L’avventura L’avventura Michelangelo Antonioni Italy, 1960
678 La notte La notte Michelangelo Antonioni Italy, 1961
278 L’eclisse L’eclisse Michelangelo Antonioni Italy, 1962
522 Red Desert Red Desert Michelangelo Antonioni France, 1964
189 The White Sheik The White Sheik Federico Fellini Italy, 1952
817 Le amiche Le amiche Michelangelo Antonioni Italy, 1955
585 Identification of a Woman Identification of a Woman Michelangelo Antonioni Italy, 1982