The Criterion Channel Launches on April 8

We’re excited to announce that our new streaming service for movie lovers, the Criterion Channel, will be launching on April 8 in the U.S. and Canada. It will be available on desktop, Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, iOS, and Android devices.
If you haven’t already signed up to become a Charter Subscriber, now’s the time! And if you are already on the list, it’s time to make your subscription official. Sign up now to lock in an extended 30-day free trial (starting April 8) and reduced pricing for as long as your account stays active. As a Charter Subscriber, you’ll be able to start watching right now with our Movie of the Week series, featuring a new surprise every Wednesday from now until launch.
Thematically programmed with special features, the Criterion Channel will offer constantly refreshed selections of Hollywood, international, art-house, and independent movies, plus access to Criterion’s entire streaming library of more than 1,000 important classic and contemporary films from around the world. It will also include a Sunday Spotlight focusing on a different director, star, genre, or theme each week, and Channel exclusives such as the guest programmer series Adventures in Moviegoing, Tuesday’s Short + Feature, the Friday Night Double Feature, Meet the Filmmakers, Art-House America, and our 15-minute-a-month film school Observations on Film Art.
We’ll be working hard to make the Channel everything we all hope it can be. In the meantime, be sure to follow @criterionchannl on Twitter for regular updates and let us know what you’d like to see us program!