Lars von Trier Presents the Rules of Dogme 95


Known for his ability to cause a stir in the world of art-house cinema, Danish auteur Lars von Trier garnered attention in 1995 when he and compatriot Thomas Vinterberg issued their Dogme 95 manifesto, a list of ascetic guidelines designed to bring a sense of authenticity to cinema and challenge the presumed desirability of total artistic freedom. In the above excerpt from John Pierson’s irreverent IFC series Split Screen, the fifth installment of which premieres on the Criterion Channel today, the notoriously caustic director loosens up in front of the camera to explain the impetus behind his provocative list of rules and limitations, which encourage filmmakers to eschew special effects, employ handheld cameras, and avoid genre conventions. Make your way to the Channel to watch von Trier’s segment in full along with the rest of the six newly available episodes, whose highlights include a bizarre reimagining of David Cronenberg’s Crash using stuffed animals and a glimpse of Matt Damon and Edward Norton playing high-stakes poker. And for film lovers in Texas, the Austin Film Society will be presenting a twentieth-anniversary celebration of Split Screen this Sunday, with creator and host John Pierson appearing in person alongside a roster of local filmmakers who contributed to the show.

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