Author Spotlight

Dennis Perrin

Dennis Perrin is the author of Mr. Mike: The Life and Work of Michael O'Donoghue, The Man Who Made Comedy Dangerous (Avon Books) and American Fan: Sports Mania and the Culture That Feeds It (Spike/HarperCollins).

2 Results
W. C. Fields

Misanthropy is the better part of comedy. For every dozen good-natured clowns, there’s a humorist who finds the dark side of life a comfortable place from which to operate. There one sees the range of human folly sans romance and piety; the audienc

By Dennis Perrin

The Bank Dick

When The Bank Dick was released in 1940, the image of W.C. Fields was moreor less a caricature. His bulbous nose, middle-aged girth, and use of the phrase “Ah, yes . . .” were sent up across the popular culture of the time, perhaps most harshly i

By Dennis Perrin