Author Spotlight

Barbara Scharres

Barbara Scharres is the director of the Film Center at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

3 Results
Hard Boiled

That Hard Boiled would be action director John Woo’s last film made in Hong Kong before his emigration to the U.S. in 1992 resonates throughout the picture. While he may shoot in Hong Kong again, Woo will never again make a film like this, conceive

By Barbara Scharres


Dodes’ka-den was made at a low point in Akira Kurosawa’s long career-perhaps the lowest that the director has ever known. In the preface of the filmmaker’s autobiography, critic and translator Audie Bock reports that Kurosawa’s commercial pro

By Barbara Scharres

Osaka Elegy

Kenji Mizoguchi departed abruptly from his earlier sentimental films into a world of acute realism with Osaka Elegy. Boldly critiquing the position of women in contemporary Japanese society, the film examines a young woman’s victimization and desce

By Barbara Scharres