Author Spotlight

Michael Lennick

Writer-director Michael Lennick’s Discovery Channel series Rocket Science explores the real history of humanity’s first steps into space though he’s very fond of most of the fictional versions too. Find out more at

2 Results
Robinson Crusoe on Mars: Life on Mars

In my dreams, Mars keeps changing: gone are the verdant Barsoomian fields explored by John Carter and Princess Dejah Thoris in Edgar Rice Burroughs’s novels; the arid, canal-laced deserts that witnessed the final exodus of H. G. Wells’s desper

By Michael Lennick

First Man Into Space, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Began to Seriously Consider Marrying a Monster from Outer Space

Looking back fondly on First Man into Space, I’m forced to acknowledge that time has been slightly less than merciful to us both—and I’ve been around seven years longer than it has. First Man into Space (1959) emerged at a very odd moment in h

By Michael Lennick