
7 Results
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Spine # Title Director Country Year
912 An Actor’s Revenge An Actor’s Revenge Kon Ichikawa Japan, 1963
379 The Burmese Harp The Burmese Harp Kon Ichikawa Japan, 1956
Essential Art House: 50 Years of Janus Films Essential Art House: 50 Years of Janus Films    
378 Fires on the Plain Fires on the Plain Kon Ichikawa Japan, 1959
567 The Makioka Sisters The Makioka Sisters Kon Ichikawa Japan, 1983
155 Tokyo Olympiad Tokyo Olympiad Kon Ichikawa Japan, 1965
1081 Visions of Eight Visions of Eight Miloš Forman, Kon Ichikawa, Claude Lelouch, Juri Ozerov, Arthur Penn, Michael Pfleghar, John Schlesinger, and Mai Zetterling United States, 1973