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Caption Contest Winners

Last month, we asked you to give us a hand in creating brief ad taglines for our October titles. The response, in comments on the Criterion Current, was so overwhelming that we had trouble narrowing it down. Congratulations to the winners, Andy J., Will B., Jim, and Aaron (whose entries are below), recipients of a single- or double-disc DVD or Blu-ray of their choice. We also had a handful of runners-up, whose cleverness shouldn’t go unrewarded; they will receive ten-dollar gift certificates to the Criterion Store. The runners-up: for The Magician (“Abra Cadaver,” Aaron; “Disillusioned,” Woods); Paths of Glory (“Unquiet on the Western Front,” Dan; “A Mountain out of an Anthill,” Kevin W.); House (“Domicidal Maniac,” Derek Estes; “Extreme Home Makeover,” DWM); and The Darjeeling Limited (“East Meets Wes,” Richard D.; “Oh Brothers, Where Are We?” Jonah S.).


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